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Monday, June 29, 2009

Sliding divs overlapping other divs in IE 7

Change the following doctype

!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""


!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" ""

(put angular brackets---i have removed them to disallow interpretation of HTML)

Show/Hide divs using javascript

Create sliding divs

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Gnerate lorem ipsum text

You can also type “=lorem()” into Word to generate Lorem Ipsum text.



Or if you want random actual words from Word help files, you can use “=rand()” with the same optional (paragraphs, sentances) syntax.

Turn Option Explicit off for the whole project

Delete a google site

Advanced Discussion Board for SharePoint

.NET Framework and FTPS

I have been trying for many days to set up a connection with an FTPS server but was not able to connect and retrieve even just a list of files. I wanted to achieve it by simply using the FTPWebRequest already available in .NET framework.

I tried the following link and many others:

After an effort of 2-3 days, however, I came to know that the .NET framework 2.0 till now supports only EXPLICIT FTP over SSL and not Implicit connection (which is usually established above port 990)

Turned out I could not do this without an external component involved. I tested the component available here and was able to connect to my FTP and didnt even require to verify the client certificate:

A sample code of the function I used is:

Public Function GetFileByRebex()

Dim ftp As New Ftp()

ftp.Connect(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("FTPUrl").ToString(), 990, Nothing, FtpSecurity.Implicit)

ftp.Login(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("FTPUser"), ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("FTPPw"))


Dim fileNames As FtpList

fileNames = ftp.GetList()

Dim i As Integer

For i = 0 To (fileNames.Count - 1)

'Dim b As String

'b = fileNames.Item(i).Modified.Date.ToString()

If (fileNames.Item(i).Modified.Date.Equals(Today.Date)) Then

'Download file

todaysFileName = Now

todaysFileName = todaysFileName.Replace("/", "-")

todaysFileName = todaysFileName.Replace(":", "-")

ftp.GetFile(fileNames.Item(i).Name, Server.MapPath(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("DownloadFolderName")) + todaysFileName + ".csv")

Exit For

End If


End Function

Monday, June 8, 2009

Quick Convert ASP to ASP.NET

Set up a DotNetNuke site

  1. Copy your site code to the new location
  2. Update the connection string in web.config
  3. Run the sql script on the server
  4. Grant EXECUTE permissions to ur database user on all the stored procedures
  5. update the application name in the aspnet_Applications table as well as the web.config applicationname attribute
  6. update the PortalAlias table in the database to set the new location
  7. browse your new site :)