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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

.NET Framework and FTPS

I have been trying for many days to set up a connection with an FTPS server but was not able to connect and retrieve even just a list of files. I wanted to achieve it by simply using the FTPWebRequest already available in .NET framework.

I tried the following link and many others:

After an effort of 2-3 days, however, I came to know that the .NET framework 2.0 till now supports only EXPLICIT FTP over SSL and not Implicit connection (which is usually established above port 990)

Turned out I could not do this without an external component involved. I tested the component available here and was able to connect to my FTP and didnt even require to verify the client certificate:

A sample code of the function I used is:

Public Function GetFileByRebex()

Dim ftp As New Ftp()

ftp.Connect(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("FTPUrl").ToString(), 990, Nothing, FtpSecurity.Implicit)

ftp.Login(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("FTPUser"), ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("FTPPw"))


Dim fileNames As FtpList

fileNames = ftp.GetList()

Dim i As Integer

For i = 0 To (fileNames.Count - 1)

'Dim b As String

'b = fileNames.Item(i).Modified.Date.ToString()

If (fileNames.Item(i).Modified.Date.Equals(Today.Date)) Then

'Download file

todaysFileName = Now

todaysFileName = todaysFileName.Replace("/", "-")

todaysFileName = todaysFileName.Replace(":", "-")

ftp.GetFile(fileNames.Item(i).Name, Server.MapPath(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("DownloadFolderName")) + todaysFileName + ".csv")

Exit For

End If


End Function

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