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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Enable remote access on Joomla Jumpbox Database

We have to enable remote access on a joomla jumpbox db in order to access it from the GUI tools which are installed on my actual machine (While jumpbox is in a VM on my actual machine)

On your VMWare player, click Alt + F1 to go to the console:

In console, write the following to get the root password:

sudo grep root /jumpbox/lib/appdata.yml

You will see a line such as the following:

root: pa$$word

where pa$$word is the password of your root user

To start using the db as the root user:

mysql -u root -p
mysql -u root -ppa$$word


In order to allow remote access on the database, do the following:

sudo nano /etc/mysql/my.cnf

Find the bind-address property, and replace it with the IP of your jumpbox

e.g. I modified

#bind-address           =


#bind-address =

Restart mysql:

sudo /etc/init.d/mysql restart

Now grant all privileges to a remote db user


where ria is the user name, and ria0 is the password of a remote user (this user need not be already existing in the db, it creates a new user if it does not exist)

Now download the GUI tools for mysql and try accessing the db using

db host: (your jumpbox host)

user: ria

pw: ria0

I started receiving an error saying

host 'mycomputername' is not allowed to access this mysql

(I dont remember the exact error string sorry)

To solve this problem, i went back to the console and ran this command:

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO ria@'mycomputername' IDENTIFIED BY 'ria0';

(We can also use IP of the external machine instead of the computer name)

Now you will be able to access the joomla jumpbox database externally.

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