Use the format:
Use the format:
Joomla automatically puts meta tag generator with comments about joomla in the site. here is how to remove tht
<?php if (mosCountModules('left')>0) { ?>
(where left is the position name)
$mydoc =& JFactory::getDocument();
$mytitle = $mydoc->getTitle();
$conf =& JFactory::getConfig();
$sitename = $conf->getValue('config.sitename');
$mydoc->setTitle($mytitle.' - '.$sitename);
Site > Global configuration > Disable ftp access
Open the map using post code or whtever u want to use.
then paste this in ur browser location bar:
These files were not modified through Core FTP Lite or any other ftp client i was using, so I had to login to the jumpbox as root and pass the chmod command to change permissions
sudo –i
(logs you in temporarily as root)
chmod og=rw /var/data/joomla15/xyz/abc.php
I spent 3-4 hours in setting up IONCube on my joomla jumpbox but there were a lot of access issues :S
Finally here is the set of steps that lead me to its installation:
Use single quotes instead of double :)
Instead of:
public void CreateWorkflowHistoryEntry(string Outcome, string Description, string OtherData)
{ SPWorkflow.CreateHistoryEvent(workflowProperties.Web, workflowProperties.WorkflowId, (int)SPWorkflowHistoryEventType.WorkflowComment, this.workflowProperties.OriginatorUser, new TimeSpan(1), Outcome, Description, OtherData);
I was adding a new div in joomla articles but whenever i saved or applied the changes, all my changes reverted back and the div was lost from even the html source of the article. I spent almost 3 hours searching n trying different stuff.
The problem was that joomla articles dont allow empty divs
<div class=”abc”></div>
would never show up neither be saved in the code
so i changed it to
<div class=”abc”> </div>
We have to enable remote access on a joomla jumpbox db in order to access it from the GUI tools which are installed on my actual machine (While jumpbox is in a VM on my actual machine)
On your VMWare player, click Alt + F1 to go to the console:
In console, write the following to get the root password:
sudo grep root /jumpbox/lib/appdata.yml
You will see a line such as the following:
root: pa$$word
where pa$$word is the password of your root user
To start using the db as the root user:
mysql -u root -p
mysql -u root -ppa$$word
In order to allow remote access on the database, do the following:
sudo nano /etc/mysql/my.cnf
Find the bind-address property, and replace it with the IP of your jumpbox
e.g. I modified
#bind-address =
#bind-address =
Restart mysql:
sudo /etc/init.d/mysql restart
Now grant all privileges to a remote db user
where ria is the user name, and ria0 is the password of a remote user (this user need not be already existing in the db, it creates a new user if it does not exist)
Now download the GUI tools for mysql and try accessing the db using
db host: (your jumpbox host)
user: ria
pw: ria0
I started receiving an error saying
host 'mycomputername' is not allowed to access this mysql
(I dont remember the exact error string sorry)
To solve this problem, i went back to the console and ran this command:
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO ria@'mycomputername' IDENTIFIED BY 'ria0';
(We can also use IP of the external machine instead of the computer name)
Now you will be able to access the joomla jumpbox database externally.
While using WAMP, you can install kickstart this way:
I placed my Joomlapack archive file in the WWW directory of my WAMP.
I copied the extraced Kickstart files there.
I extracted the archive file into the WWW directory.
Then I went to http://localhost/administrator and a new Joomla installation began.
At the end of the installation, there was my site.
While using Jumpbox:
I installed Joomla pack on my joomla site, and then i extracted the contents of Kickstart in /storage/joomla15/
Also placed the backup file in the same folder. Then I browsed
I resolved it by Start > Run > sfc /scannow
Wrong Declaration
char CopiedString[];
char[] CopiedString;
Correct Declaration
char[] CopiedString = new char[3];
char[] CopiedString = xyz;
I received this error while using an SPQuery CAML query string. the problem was that I had renamed my Title column in the list to “Document Library Name” and in the SPQuery i was using
query.Query = "<Where><Eq><FieldRef Name='Document Library Name'/><Value Type='Text'>" + this.workflowProperties.List.Title + "</Value></Eq></Where>";
after some research I found out that the internal name of the column was still ‘Title’ so i used
query.Query = "<Where><Eq><FieldRef Name='Title'/><Value Type='Text'>" + this.workflowProperties.List.Title + "</Value></Eq></Where>";
and the error was gone :D
I kept on receiving an error while trying to enable the integration features with virtual pc in windows 7.
with some R&D, I found out tht the administrator of the virtual PC had an empty password. So i set a password for that user.
Added my own user (which i was using to login to the VM) to remote users group and ensured that the VM allowed remote access
Private Sub onWorkflowActivated1_Invoked(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Workflow.Activities.ExternalDataEventArgs)
Dim request As FtpWebRequest = CType(WebRequest.Create(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("FTPHost") + Me.workflowProperties.Item.File.Name), FtpWebRequest)
request.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.UploadFile
request.Credentials = New NetworkCredential(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("FTPUser"), ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("FTPPassword"))
Dim webCl As WebClient = New WebClient()
webCl.Credentials = New NetworkCredential(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("SPUser"), ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("SPPassword"))
Dim buffer() As Byte = webCl.DownloadData(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("CurrentSite") + Me.workflowProperties.Item.File.Url)
request.GetRequestStream().Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)
request = Nothing
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
Uri target = new Uri("");
I was using File.OpenRead(xyzURL) when i received this error. the solution was to use a webclient
(I couldnt get a resolution to this error but following is a workaround)
1. Create a directory in the features directory [C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\Web Server Extensions\12\TEMPLATE\FEATURES] and drop both the feature.xml and workflow.xml files into the directory.
2. Install the feature on your farm, using the following command line statements
stsadm -o installfeature -name <<name>>
4. Activate the feature to a site collection
stsadm -o activatefeature –name <<name>> -url <<url>>
Replace <<name>> and <<url>> with the actual value
***EDIT: Strange enough, I added System.Configuration reference in the project for some other purpose; and this error was gone :D
document.createElement was working in all browsers other than FF.I changed this part
1: var newElement = document.createElement("<input name='"+elementName+"' id='" + elementName + "' type='hidden'>");
1: var newElement = document.createElement("input");
2: newElement.setAttribute('name',elementName);
3: newElement.setAttribute('id',elementName);
4: newElement.setAttribute('type','hidden');
I know of some ways to do the above but this was really one of the simplest ways to do it.